Thursday, October 30, 2008

Itchy Broken Blood Vessels On Breasts

<-- Io non sarei così contento..

So we got to the end of this week in Terni (Terni week .. .. to make the rhyme). Now I sound like them (a sort of Roman light version) without knowing anything of their city, but two restaurants, a hotel and a bar.

This week I really learned a lot both from the point of view of "managing the flow" of work (the value stream map is a great tool in highlighting the waste, the waste of time, the activities zero value for the customer ..) that in terms of permits for certain types of activities.

But surely the thing that I could re-check is that every job is a small powder keg, especially when the waters calm and placid represented by the daily work began to be stirred. But when it comes to external parties (who are you? You want? What is your real objective?) And also involved colleagues from other areas (which do you want? Not come to judge? Then really you?) Is like putting the trigger in a bomb!

After 4 days of hard work has arrived - perhaps physiological - explosion of the conflict: the nerves were affected, some veil of hypocrisy (not-so-veiled) crashed and tensions are obvious.

Not that it happened who knows, Indeed, perhaps tomorrow it will all be resolved, but - as I shared with my colleagues for dinner - this work (and he knows better than me) is looking for this: not because people are seats of course, but because there is always a sort of canvas for all (the apparent calm, the fake smiles, the first friction stress due to the pressure that is done to get them to change, the explosion of tensions), but individuals will also contribute to customize a and totally different each time.

I get the impression that people are willing as colors on a palette: they seem to be grouped together but if you go to look good, you'll never find a color the same, but many shades of the same color. A sort of chromatic scale from tiny nuances.

am so happy because being with people, know them, watch them, study their behavior I like very much, and this job gives me the opportunity to do so.

Certainly not cheap: I have already mentioned above that this change has brought into my life. Add to this the fact that I think I've worked this week longer than I worked in a month Centuria (and I intend to work, not in general)!

But that's life. And - fortunately - I like it.

Hello and the next.


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