Sunday, March 20, 2011

Names Cultural Festival

Let The Sunshine In

The legs are straight, the family woke up and the sun has rewarded us, illuminating our bike tour for the Spring Bicinfesta Ciclobby of fairy tales, giving us another unforgettable day on two wheels. In the company of a thousand other cyclists to celebrate the 25th edition of the event, with the testimonial, 2011, Aldo, Giovanni e Giacomo and those of previous editions, Fabio Treves, (it was the first one!), Lella Costa, the undersigned Emilio Rigatti and the Consul General of the Netherlands, which led to three bicycles from Holland in spectacular gift to the trio, donated by the Van Gogh Museum (how much envy!) Between laughter and joy rides è stata un'esperienza davvero unica e straordinaria!
Il più tenero di tutti... the sweetest of them all..
It has been an amazing day, biking through Milan for the annual bike party! The legs held up ,my family woke up on time, and the sun came out to lighten up our experience, making it quite unforgettable. More than a thousand participants, laughs and good moods, cyclists of all ages with the streets Ourselves to all of Milan ... the city at it's very best! Now .. study, need to work a bit too ...! See you later.

Brownie Patch Locations On Vest


Today I am very inspired by nature, I do not think of anything else ... Therefore I propose this shooting, "backstage" and the photos published, for Natural Style of Robert Krasnig. We were not in the country, but in the center of Milan, Indro Montanelli Public Gardens ... barefoot in the park.
Today I'm inspired by nature, Do not Want to think about anything else .. I know I suggested this shooting for Natural Style by Roberta Krasnig. We're Actually in the center of Milan, barefoot in a beautiful park ...

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Cocoa Butter Soap Fading Dark Marks


dress & shoes @ Ermanno Scervino
belt @ Trussardi Jeans

Metal Taste In Mouth On Period

shy violets

We train timid among flowers and trees are budding for spring Bicifesta tomorrow bike tires are OK, now we see are the legs ...
We're training for the spring biking party tomorrow, rolling through the park Amongst timid flowers and budding trees. The airlevel of my wheels is ok, let's see how the legs are doing ...

Friday, March 18, 2011

Why Type Of Extensions Does Lauren London Use


After an afternoon by Toni & Guy (Via Vincenzo Monti, Milan), I again a color fringe and far more honey than before: copper, red, dark blond, what to call it ..? It depends on the light, however, download a little after a few washes. There is an NCP color treatment available at no ammonia so it does not damage the hair, perfect!
After an afternoon at Toni & Guy I have my fringe back and a different haircolor, blackberries, honey, red, copper, dark hair, whatever we call it, it Tends to Change Depending on the light. They now offer a new color without bleach treatment and Therefore it's not damaging your hair, all the better!

Calculate The Rms Voltage With Dc Offset


fashion, as you see, is one of my great passions. See, touch, wear, talk about fashion and look for the perfect item is a unique and fun way ... A woman I admire very much is Stella McCartney, style and life choices. Put on the garments she designed is always a little dream come true .. So, opening this envelope with a handwritten note from her .. for me, it was an incredible feeling. Thanks Stella! Now figure out a suitable frame .. and walk on clouds all day, xoxo.
photo Cristina Pica
Photo Settimio Benedusi per Sette

You'd probably got my passion for fashion by now. I love to touch, feel, talk about, research, try on and look for the perfect piece. Stella McCartney is a woman I admire a lot, for style and lifestyle, wearing her creations is always a dream come true. So...opening this handwritten note from her to ME, was an  amazing feeling! Need to go looking for a frame, walking on happy clouds for the rest of the day.. xoxo

Gay Clubs For Older In New Jersey


Last year I was the godmother of this year's Spring Bicinfesta Fiab Ciclobby celebrates its 25th edition and cycle with them again. Aldo, Giovanni e Giacomo and many other testimonials of the previous editions will be with us for a big party on two wheels in a city without traffic, an emotion truly special! Milan, Via Dante, Sunday, March 20. information here!
It's time for the yearly spring bike party. I was in the lead last year, and am pedaling again for the 25th anniversary of the event. Lots of people and fun, an extraordinary experience to bike the streets of Milan with no traffic. Want to join the fun? Have a look here ! (if you'll be in Milan That is ...)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Should We Allow Selling Organs


A walk through the neighborhood, I walk, the girl on rollerblades, "admiring the art" that decorate the buildings and the walls of the city .. The "use your brain" makes me think that the author should be the first to use it ..!? After this bitter thought, a stop by the pastry chef to return sweet sweet ...
Went for a walk around the block, me on foot and the girl on rollerblades, "Admiring the art exhibition" on the way .. That the author wrote "use your brain" Should maybe think about starting using it Himself.? Sweeten Up To Our mood, we made a visit to the local pastryshop. yum.

Fybroid Tumors On Bottom Of Feet


I stopped, waiting for a friend, to smell the scent of Jo Malone, but I am convinced no one in particular. The girl, very patient, I proposed to all, but nothing .. until it has mixed together two flavors, Pomegranate Noir cologne with Grapefruit and are crazy, great! Congratulations to the girl that made me buy two fragrances instead of one (not that I was going to buy) Today, home sweet home, I am a housewife (not desperate), dressed in an apron my mother 70 years, offering the chicken my little family ...
Waiting around for my friend I checked out the perfumes of Jo Malone, But I Had no intention of buying one, and I did not even like anyone special, until the girl made me mix together two of Them, The Heavier, spicy Pomegranate noir with the light and fresh Grapefruit cologne. Lovely! Had to buy Them Both, I know the girl really selling techniques Knew her well, good job! Home today, acting hosewife (not desperate though) 70's wearing my mum's apron, serving chicken to my family ...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sewing A Vest Pattern With Interfacing


As promised, a brief summary of the workshop "The female person in advertising" Sipra and organized by IAA, International Advertising Association, for which I had also asked for your help! Can I start by telling you that justice exists, I did not know the existence of the institution of self-advertising, which controls and receives reports on ads that offend or discriminate, by withdrawing from the market. The code of commercial communication ensures that the commercial communication is honest, truthful and correct. Read more at
We then discussed and discussed so much, seeing examples of good and bad publicity, and concluded that where there are no ideas, but especially where there are no professionals, created the ads more hallucinatory. I've found that's on a proposal that will protect the dignity of women in RAI, we talked about the new ad from Tim, we have seen wonderful examples of advertising made by George Marino of Film Master, and I have brought your voice, also speaking from my experience as a testimonial, concluding with a sentence of documentary Lorella Zanardo, "We do the lifting, no longer on our faces, but our ideas." All agree that not only are women not represented by Sentis' misuse of the female person in the media, but also Italian men feel embarrassed. Dignity was the most used word, I would say a good sign!
Here are two examples of advertising withdrawn from the market, thanks to , I'd say speak for themselves ...
Invece qui sotto, un'esempio di pubblicità che rappresenta femminilità, delicatezza ed eleganza, vincitore di un premio a Cannes, diretto da Chris Cunningham.

I attended the workshop about the female role in advertising, but not only, in all media, yesterday, coming to the conclusion that not only the Italian women do not feel represented by the ab(use) of women in media, but even the Italian men feel embarrassed and are not proud of the current situation. We talked about good and bad ad campaigns, making some examples like above. The 2 first ones have been banned, bringing offensive pictures and messages, and the Gucci ad has Been Awarded for it's beauty in Cannes. Dignity Was the keyword. We start from there.

Local Potatoe Chip Calgary


In the new issue of Vanity Fair, out today, I find my family in a report from Cortina!
In the new issue of Vanity Fair Italy, I find myself and my family in a story, shot on the slopes of Cortina ..

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Watery Cervical Fluid Right Before Period

tiny musical hats

I found the capsule collection designed by my friend for Borsalino Paola Maugeri : TINY MUSICAL HATS, the free texanino r'n'r the birth of the United bombettina Kingdom Beatles, the cylindrical rollers and the musical in honor of colorful sequins at Studio 54. Too cute!
Check out the wonderful capsule collection for Borsalino by my friend Paola Maugeri , Tiny Musical Hats, I just love them. That is finally a small hat on everyones head! (I have a problem finding my size .. hats!) Great job Paolo!