Monday, February 9, 2009

Example Of Disconnection Letter Of Internet

Tipitipso Claudio Villa

Lyric Tipitipitipso tsto:

There in Mexico is known
easy to play and sometimes the air goes
a bar.
Pablo pushes up on the glass
Pedro aims Waiter
and amid utter confusion
making a song.
Tipipitipitipso with calypso
Then he began to sing
Alas we are Mexicans
tipipitipitipso with calypso
then began to dance
Alas we are Mexicans.

Pablo loves teasing girls in passing
makes promises that you know
never keep.
Pedro one day
found him with his heart niƱa

he seized them with the noose and dragged them.

Tipipitipitipso with calypso
then I began to sing
Alas we are Mexicans
tipipitipitipso with calypso
then danced
Alas we are Mexicans.

Pablo is a great player wins and loses from Mr.
dinero but never has
for the truth.
Steals from his horse Pedro
and sells it for eating

the end we all know that happen.

Tipipitipitipso with calypso
then I began to sing
Alas we are Mexicans
tipipitipitipso with calypso
then danced
Alas we are Mexicans.

Tipipitipitipso with calypso
then danced
Ah ah, ah, ah, ah, we are Mexicans.


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